Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sand and Sun

The beginning of August we were able to meet up with Christians's twin sister and her family up at the Lake. We didn't bring up our jet ski so Logan was bit concerned as to how he was going to occupy his time with two 6 year old and a 4 year old. We assured him it would be fun, but to be sure we brought up something similar to a jet ski, just a bit more work involved. He was not amused! We spent the day on the beach eating and playing in the water. The great part was that no one in my family got sunburned, considering we are a transparent people. Good times!

1 comment:

  1. I miss Tahoe! It's a good thing you brought boats to play with - the temperature of the water is usually too cold to swim!

    Thanks also for your comments on my blog. At least someone in our family reads it!
